Friday, January 1, 2010

Thursday, December 31, 2009

And the Drinking Begins...

Well, here we are, broken hearted, came to drink so now we've started. This being the first post of our journey into sampling as many beers as we can, symbolizes an idea that not all beers are created equal. We will try to find the best and worst of what man has offered us all to quench our undying need to have good times with good people.  We will do our best to describe, in our own words, what we think and feel about the beers we are consuming.  Often our blogging will come before, during, or after heavy binging, so keep that in mind when reading these posts.  Beers will be rated on a burp scale of 1 to 5 in three categories (subject to change!).  The three categories consist of taste, drinkability, and local availability.  Taste is how it tastes to us.  Drinkability is how well and long we can drink it and how it makes us feel.  Local availability is how easily WE can obtain it (chicagoland area.)

Beers in this post:
1) Goose Island 312
2) Blue Moon Full Moon Winter Ale
3) Goose Island Matilda

Learn More after the break....